How I found 160 leads on Reddit

Use reddit to get 10 monthly leads for your business

If you rely on only one sales channel like SEO for your leads, you might be missing out on $$$.

You also might be impacted by things outside of your control - see Perplexity’s impact on inbound leads.

Avoid this by using Reddit to find a source of consistent leads who are begging for your help. [and share this wider!]

This process is perfect for people: 

  • Who want to have repeatable leads every month.

  • Who want to diversify their sales strategy.

  • Who are worried about inbound referrals drying up.

Cost of running this process:

  • $29 p/m (for Reddit tool called Gummysearch)

  • 30 mins per per month

Tools you need:


  • Start finding 10+ leads on Reddit today

How to implement?

Here's the exact steps I take to find leads on Reddit!

Step 1 - Research + document your ICP

  • If you already know your ICP, great.

  • If you don't, document it. The most important parts are..

  • The signals they are solution seeking.

  • Where they solution seek e.g. network, Reddit, etc.

  • If you're doing this FOR someone else..

  • And you know their ICP, perfect!

  • If not, ask them.

  • Or go into your transcript tool (like Tactiq)

  • Find the last convo you had about their clients

  • Use this to document their ICP

  • Ask ChatGPT to find related subreddits to the ICP

  • Document those too

  • Other places to find their ICP without asking: 

    • Twitter / LinkedIn profile

    • Website testimonials

Our memories are finite. Store all this info in the ICP document I shared above.

Step 2 - Use Gummysearch for prospecting leads 

  • Go to 

  • Create account

  • Sign up for the basic plan (or do a free trial run)

  • Create a new audience

  • Use key words relating to the ICP e.g. agencies, tech

  • Add 3-5 subreddits together. Example:

what you see in gummy search

  • Click Themes

  • Click 3 tabs; pains, advice, solution requests:

  • It'll generate. Click 'browse all posts'

  • Click download (3 dots top right) - Open the Excel (do this for the 3 categories)

  • You should now have 3 Excels

Step 3 - Clean the posts

  • Copy-Paste from Excel to 1 Google Sheet (more intuitive)

  • Delete irrelevant columns and data (there's a few)

  • Add gridlines for clarity.

  • Ensure dates are correctly formatted (sometimes not on first try).

  • Sort date column Z to A (to show recent, HOT leads)

  • Apply conditional formatting: Values >5 in green.

  • This is to highlight Reddit posts with lots of exposure

  • Unmerge any random cells (sometimes a few)

  • Add a dropdown for Reddit forum names column.

  • Add a new column labelled “Problem / Need.”

It should look something like this:

example of leads in the private equity space

Step 4 - Categorise the posts Use ChatGPT: 

  • Share the Google Sheet with GPT.

  • Ask ChatGPT to create problem categories using the columns with 'title' and 'body text' as context

It doesn't do it 100% right. Needs a human touch..

  • Review and correct the categories manually.

  • Add new ones that are left as 'misc' or 'other'

  • Read the body text column for context as to what the category should be.

  • Select it from GPT's category list, or create a new drop down label.

  • Highlight priority problems you / your client can solve in green. 

  • Create a pivot table for a more holistic view. Like below!

highlight the problems you can help with in green, for ease of ref

Step 5 - Outreach.

You now have a list of 10-100+ leads from Reddit. 'What now?!' 

First, I'd prioritise commenting on ICP posts from the last 3 months or so.

Your Reddit lead list will have a column for 'num_comments', with cells green if the comments are above 5.

prioritise posts with high # of comments. more comments = more exposure to your ICPs

Prioritise those too. More exposure.

Recent (or even just posted) posts are better.

Second, there's a number of ways to outreach:

  • Click the reddit url (column called url)

  • Read the post.

  • Think of your exp + expertise

  • Help! NO strings attached (Reddit HATES selling)

  • But PLEASE add your website link to your Reddit bio

  • This is so important. Anyone you talk to on Reddit can see this link.

  • If you're helping someone with a problem on a post, they may get curious and view your profile.

  • That is then a potential inbound lead.

  • Another way: help, then go to DMs to offer any additional tips they need.

  • You can even offer to walk thru on a 15 min call.

  • Others may see your value add, and ask for help / services also.

There you have it, lead gen + engaging via GummySearch and Reddit.

Moving forward 

You can do this for ANY business. And for ANY of your prospects.

You just have to search and filter out the shite.

GummySearch really is an elite tool to do this (I’m not an affiliate lol).

The above is for a one time analysis looking back from now until the beginning of time on Reddit.

What's even better is you can automate the prospecting on an ongoing basis.

You can even set up key word alerts in the reddit group audiences you create.

These alert you when the key words are mentioned in the subreddits.

I personally put in a reminder to do this entire process 1-2x weeks for myself, and for all my clients (you’d be surprised, I’ve found leads ranging from SaaS to enterprise on Reddit).

Bish, bash, bosh.

If you want to implement this in your business, just reply ‘REDDIT’ on this email and I can walk you through it :)

Or just book a call.

Have a good new year!

Take of the week 🤔

As AI becomes more and more prevalent for user searching, SEO will change. This will impact businesses that rely on key word search for inbound leads in ways we don’t know yet. We can ignore this and run the risk of our leads drying up, or we can take action.

Business owners need to diversify. The ones that will win won’t turn their nose up at guerrilla tactics (like this one) they can systemise and re-use over and over.

Cold email has its place. Absolutely. But it is become more and more diluted. How many DMs and emails do you get that sound exactly the same, or offer results that are quite literally unbelievable?

Demonstrating expertise and building trust by helping first, using processes such as these, will differentiate cold email spammers from winners.

Since doing this from July, I’ve been able to add an extra $20k to my business.

Reddit is one part of this.

There are many more, which I’ll continue to share with you from my experiments in the B2B wilderness.


or to participate.