The story behind the moustache


Iā€™m away for a friendā€™s wedding, so my regular Source series post will move to next Monday.

So Iā€™ll leave you with a short story: the origin of my moustache.

October 2022. I was bald faced:

But November was fast approaching.

I decided to partake in the annual ā€˜Movemberā€™ effort.


Itā€™s a global event every Nov.

Men grow moustaches to:

  • raise awareness about mental health

  • fundraise for mental health charities

Iā€™ve always been very open about my own mental health.

So I joined in for the 3rd time in my life:

Managed to raise Ā£350 / $450 for mental health and suicide prevention charities.

Both topics close to my heart.

Then after, I got compliments about the stache. Apparently it suited me.

I also thought..

Why restrict awareness to 1 month only? I talk about my mental health all year round..

And that was it: the birth of the stache.

A stereotypical symbol of an Englishman, but also a small sign of my mindset towards mental health.

Would love to know a bit more about you. Whatā€™s an interesting origin story you have?

P.s. I will continue writing the next Source post on Monday. Hereā€™s the last one.


or to participate.